Below are the disgraceful attitudes displayed by MMM participants
1. They Engage in physical combat with who anyone who Condemns MMM
Most participants are arrogant and easily provoked people who are very quick to unleash their frustration on anyone who opens his mouth to speak against it. In fact, many have reportedly beaten up their friends and neighbours for predicting the death of MMM. I have once witnessed a scene when an MMM participant broke a bottle of schnapps on a man of God who preached against during street evangelism
2. They resort to Suicide
This sounds weird but believe me; many resorted to to suicide due to irredeemable loss. This is a disgusting thing to do when you were initially warned against what you can't afford to lose in this unhealthy way of making money
3. They Label anyone who advises them against it as an "Enemy of progress"
Keeping your mouth shut will do you a lot of good rather than predict the death of this scheme because they will see you as someone who doesn't want them to succeed and live their life in affluence. In fact, I have stopped giving advice to my friends against this scheme because any attempt to discourage them renders me an enemy of their progress.
4. Gullibility
Many of them are gullible but will never admit it. No matter how wise they claim to be, MMM has a way of deceiving and getting money out of their pockets. Many are so gullible that they had high hopes that MMM would be back and better by January 14 and their haters will be put to shame. They claim it's no one's business on how they spend their money yet these people won't let peace reign on social media as they as unleash exhibit gullibility almost everywhere just to convince their fellow gullible participants.
5. They Display Entrepreneurial Illiteracy
Many of them often brainwash other people with the ideology that MMM is the most reliable form of business anyone can ever venture into, and that it's mere stupidity for a person to predict that the system will crash someday. They will always debunk any claim that MMM has once crashed in other countries just avoid fear or panic.
6. They Beat their Wives due to uncontrolled anger
We have heard stories of men who divorced their wives while some molested their wives with blades and knives just because they are fed up of life.
7. They Blame the government for their Misfortunes
Just becos they want to become millionaire/billionaire over night, they invested their all their money instead of "spare" as advised by the owner of the ponzi scheme. They ridiculed the government for their interference in MMM and that they should stay out of it, yet the same people started blaming the government for their misfortunes when things went sour.
8. They Bash the Moderators for moving anti-MMM topics to the front page
They blame and label Seun and Lalasticlala as enemies of progress for every anti-MMM thread that graces the front page, unknown to them that they're only preventing people from losing their hard earned money. The same way people came for Tosyne2much's head when I wrote an anti-MMM article sometime last year.
9. They Label the Uninterested "Cowards"
Many of them brainwash other people with the ideology that life itself is a risk and that it's an act of cowardice if anyone doesn't utilize this opportunity. A sizable number of MMM participants will tag you a coward when you show your disinterest in the scheme.
10. They Stop attending an anti-MMM Church
As funny as it sounds, some of them stop attending their churches the moment their pastor pastor preaches against it during sermon. They however demean and ridicule any prominent man of God who advises his congregation to desist from this scheme.
*The truth is bitter they say*
I drop my pen at this juncture
Feel free to add yours
Written by: Tosyne2much
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